Digital Measurement of Rotational Speed

  • Typ:Seminar
  • Datum:WS 18/19
  • Betreuung:

    Daniel Frisch

  • Bearbeitung:Daniel Mockenhaupt

Apart from the well-known amplitude analog signals, also the class of frequency analog signals, like rotation speed, plays an important role in many applications. The frequency analog signals are often not appropriately measured and processed. In this seminar, a substantiated review should be given on modeling frequency analog signals and on how to assess the accuracy of measurements correctly. 


Literature: Puente Leon, Kiencke: Messtechnik - Systemtheorie für Ingenieure und Informatiker 

frisch_Seminar_RTM Puente Leon, Kiencke: Messtechnik - Systemtheorie für Ingenieure und Informatiker
Periodendauer der Kurbelwelle eines Motors, nach Korrektur der Zahnflankenfehler des Sensorrades.