![]() Michael Fennel hat seine Promotion mit "Auszeichnung" (summa cum laude) abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Toward Highly Immersive Telepresence: A Very-Large-Scale Encountered-Type Haptic Display". Zweite Gutachterin ist Prof. Dr. Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Deutschland. |
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![]() Pia Haberlag hat ihren ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Leon Winheim hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Markus Walker, Philipp Bien und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Best Paper Award 2nd Place auf der "16th SDF Symosium, Bonn, Germany" für das Papier Voronoi Trust Regions for Local Calibration Testing in Supervised Machine Learning Models. Zertifikat (PDF) |
![]() Dominik Pikos hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Jiachen Zhou, Daniel Frisch und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Student Paper Award, Third Place of the "2024 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI), Pilsen, Czechia" für das Papier Inverse Gaussian Process Onterpolation for High-Quality Assumed Gaussian Filtering. Certificate (PDF) |
![]() Daniel Frisch hat seine Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Transformable Deterministic Sampling". Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Stochastic Control for Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking". Zweiter Gutachter ist Prof. Simon Maskell, University of Liverpool, UK. |
![]() Jiachen Zhou hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Daniel Frisch und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Best Student Paper Award, First Runner-Up of the "2023 IEEE Symposium Sensor Data Fusion and International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (SDF-MFI), Bonn, Germany" für das Papier Deterministic Von Mises-Fisher Sampling on the Sphere Using Fibonacci Lattices. Zertifikat (PDF) |
![]() Markus Walker, Marcel Reith-Braun, Peter Schichtel, Mirko Knaak und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Best Paper Award auf der "2023 IEEE Symposium Sensor Data Fusion and International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (SDF-MFI), Bonn, Germany" für das Papier Identifying Trust Regions of Bayesian Neural Networks. Zertifikat (PDF) |
![]() Eugen Ernst, Florian Pfaff, Uwe D. Hanebeck, und Marcus Baum sind Finalisten für den Student Best Paper Award auf der "2023 American Control Conference (ACC 2023), San Diego, CA, USA" für das Papier The Kernel-SME Filter with Adaptive Kernel Widths for Association-free Multi-target Tracking. Zertifikat (PDF) |
30.01.2023 Das Paper mit dem Titel "The Kernel-SME Filter with Adaptive Kernel Widths for Association-free Multi-target Tracking" von Eugen Ernst, Florian Pfaff, Uwe D. Hanebeck und Marcus Baum ist unter den fünf Finalisten für den Best Student Paper Award der 2023 American Control Conference (ACC 2023). |
![]() Michael Fennel, Lukas Driller, Antonio Zea und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Best Paper Award auf der "2022 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2022), Cranfield, United Kingdom" für das Papier Calibration-free IMU-based Kinematic State Estimation for Robotic Manipulators. Zertifikat (PDF) |
![]() Lukas Driller hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Eugen Ernst hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Markus Walker hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Ziyu Cao hat ihren ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Kailai Li, Florian Pfaff und Uwe Hanebeck erhalten den Jean-Pierre Le Cadre Best Paper Award, First Runner-Up auf der "25th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2022), Linköping, Sweden" für das Papier Circular Discrete Reapproximation. Zertifikat (PDF) |
28.06.2022 DFG fördert acht neue Forschungsgruppen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz Um hochwertig und kosteneffizient produzieren zu können, sind ausgereifte Produktionsprozesse notwendig. Weil dafür viele Experimente durchgeführt werden müssen, ist ihre Entwicklung bisher besonders aufwendig, insbesondere wenn neue Materialien und Verfahren verwendet werden, der Produktionsprozess hochkomplex ist oder keine ausgereiften Modelle zur Verfügung stehen. Der systematische Einsatz von KI hat das Potenzial, kostengünstiger, schneller und effizienter zu sein. Die Forschungsgruppe „KI-basierte Methodik für die schnelle Ertüchtigung unreifer Produktionsprozesse“ sucht daher in diesem Bereich grundlegend neue Lösungswege. (Sprecher: Professor Dr. Jürgen Beyerer, Universität Karlsruhe) |
![]() Florian Rosenthal hat seine Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Stochastic Control for Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking". Zweiter Gutachter ist Prof. Dr. Daniel Quevedo, Queensland University, Australia. |
18.03.2022 „Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltung „Projektpraktikum maschinelles Lernen und intelligente Systeme“ ist ab sofort geöffnet. Zur Auswahl stehen in diesem Semester sechs spannende und anwendungsnahe Themen.“ |
![]() Susanne Radtke hat ihre Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Distributed Estimation Using Partial Knowledge about Correlated Estimation Error". Zweiter Gutachter ist Ondřej Straka, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic. |
![]() Uwe D. Hanebeck wurde zum Präsidenten der International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF) für das Jahr 2023 gewählt und zum Vize-Präsidenten für 2022. ISIF wurde im Jahr 1998 gegründet und ist international die erste Adresse für multidisziplinäre Ansätze für theoretische und praktische Techniken zur Informationsfusion. Der aus 20 Direktoren bestehende ISIF-Vorstand ist verantwortlich für die jährliche "International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)" und die Flaggschiff-Zeitschrift "Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF)". |
![]() Die KIT-Fakultät für Informatik zeichnet auf Grundlage der semesterweise durchgeführten Lehrevaluation des KIT die Lehrveranstaltung "Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt Anthropomatik praktisch erfahren” als bestes Praktikum im Sommersemester 2021 aus und ehrt die Dozenten Uwe D. Hanebeck, Michael Fennel, Kailai Li, Florian Pfaff, Jana Mayer, Daniel Frisch and Florian Rosenthal für die besonders erfolgreiche Mitwirkung in der Lehre. Urkunde (PDF) |
Uwe D. Hanebeck zählt laut der "Stanford List" zu den Top 2 Prozent der meistzitierten Wissenschaftler weltweit Die Stanford University hat eine aktualisierte Liste der Top 2 Prozent der meistzitierten Wissenschaftler herausgegeben. Dieses Ranking wird als das Renommierteste betrachtet und beruht auf einer Auswertung der Scopus-Datenbank. Dabei werden unter anderem Zitationen und h-Index berücksichtigt. Scopus ist die größte Abstract- und Zitationsdatenbank für peer-review Literatur des Elsevier-Verlags. Die „Stanford List“ zählt im August 2021 weltweit rund 190.000 Forscher der mehr als 8 Millionen weltweit aktiven Forscher zu den meistzitierten zwei Prozent. In der Liste finden sich 9434 in Deutschland aktive Wissenschaftler. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.3. |
![]() Benjamin Siebler hat bei der ION-GNSS+ 2021 den „Best Presentation of Session Award“ für das Paper Evaluation of Simultaneous Localization and Calibration of a Train Mounted Magnetometer gewonnen. Urkunde (PDF) |
![]() Kailai Li hat seine Promotion mit "Auszeichnung" (summa cum laude) abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "On-Manifold Recursive Bayesian Estimation for Directional Domains". Zweiter Gutachter ist Prof. Fredrik Gustafsson, Linköping, Schweden. |
![]() Dominik Prossel hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
27/05/2021 Unser Projektantrag "Gaußprozess-Modellierung auf Richtungsmannigfaltigkeiten zur datengetriebenen Schätzung von Starrkörperbewegungen" wurde von der Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) mit einer Förderung von 36 PM bewilligt. https://www.dfg.de/ |
![]() Die durch das ISAS organisierte Konferenz 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2021) findet vom 23ten bis 25ten September 2021 statt. Es ist als hybride Veranstaltung mit den Möglichkeiten zur Teilnahme vor Ort und online geplant. www.mfi2021.org |
Real-Time Control Framework (RTCF) Das vom ISAS entwickelte Real-Time-Control Framework (RTCF) wird unter der MIT Lizenz veröffentlicht. Mit diesem Framework lassen sich modulare und hochperformante Regelungsanwendungen auf einfache Weise entwickeln und nahtlos in ROS-basierte Systeme integrieren. https://github.com/KIT-ISAS/RTCF |
![]() Die vom ISAS organisierte 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2020) findet in der nächsten Woche statt. www.mfi2020.org |
![]() Lukas Michiels hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
![]() Susanne Radtke, Benjamin Noack und Uwe D. Hanebeck erhalten den Fusion 2020 Best Paper Award: General Category für das Papier Fully Decentralized Estimation Using Square-Root Decompositions. Urkunde (PDF) |
05.05.2020 Dr. Igor Gilitschenski wird tenure track Assistenzprofessor für Robotik im Department of Computer Science der University of Toronto und im Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences der University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). Er erhielt seinen Doktortitel am ISAS im April 2015 mit der Arbeit Deterministic Sampling for Nonlinear Dynamic State Estimation. |
![]() Michael Fennel hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
27.02.2020 Uwe D. Hanebeck ist nun Autor und Koautor von mehr als 500 Artikeln, die in verschiedensten hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften und Konferenzen publiziert wurden. |
10.01.2020 Das Projekt "Embedded AI in a Box" hat erfolgreich am Innovationswettbewerb "KI für KMU" teilgenommen. Das Projekt wird gefördert vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg. Partner aus der Industrie sind: Knowtion UG aus Karlsruhe und endiio GmbH aus Freiburg. |
![]() Der Lehrstuhl für Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme hat einen neuen Multi-GPU-Server, der mit vier High-End-Grafikkarten ausgestattet ist und die Arbeit an rechenintensiven Verfahren deutlich vereinfachen und verkürzen wird. Insbesondere die Forschung zu Deep-Learning-Anwendungen soll durch den neuen Server gestärkt werden. Der Server ist gleichermaßen für Mitarbeitende und Studierende zugänglich. |
15.08.2019 Marko Ristic hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
15.07.2019 Marcel Reith-Braun hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
25.06.2019 Am 25.06.2019 fand das Kickoff Event des Projektes ROBDEKON auf dem Gelände des Fraunhofer Instituts IOSB in Karlsruhe statt. Ziel dieses durch den BMBF geförderten Projektes ist die Erforschung von autonomen und teilautonomen Robotersystemen für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen. Im SWR wurde ein Fernsehbeitrag hierzu ausgestrahlt. Online ist der Beitrag in der SWR-Mediathek verfügbar. |
19.06.2019 Dr.-Ing. Florian Pfaff hat für seine Dissertation "Multitarget Tracking Using Orientation Estimation for Optical Belt Sorting" den SICK-Wissenschaftspreis 2018 für die beste Dissertation erhalten. |
Software Campus Im Rahmen der Initiative "Software Campus" werden derzeit am ISAS die Projekte "Distributed Multi-Target Pose Estimation and Collaborative Mapping Using Heterogeneous Sensor Networks" (), |
03.06.2019 Christopher Funk hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
04.03.2019 Johannes Westermann hat seinen ersten Arbeitstag. |
03.12.2018 Das abgeschlossene IGF Projekt 18798 N "Inside Schüttgut" (Verbesserung optischer Schüttgutsortierung durch simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Trackingverfahren), wurde mit dem Titel Project des Jahres 2019 ausgezeichnet. GVT Homepage |
26.11.2018 Michael Feldmann hat seine Promotion abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Tracking von Objektgruppen und ausgedehnten Zielobjekten". Zweiter Gutachter ist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch, Fraunhofer-Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE Wachtberg. |
13.11.2018 Florian Pfaff hat seine Promotion mit "Auszeichnung" (summa cum laude) abgeschlossen! Der Titel der Arbeit lautet "Multitarget Tracking Using Orientation Estimation for Optical Belt Sorting". Zweiter Gutachter ist Prof. Dr.-lng. Thomas Längle, Fraunhofer IOSB Karlsruhe. Link_more |
01.11.2018 Start des Projekts "OptInfNet: Optimale Informationsfusion in intelligenten Sensornetzwerken" im Rahmen des Software Campus gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und in Kooperation mit TRUMPF |
01.09.2018 Start des Projekts "SeReMo: Secure Remote Monitoring" in Kooperation mit der SEKAS GmbH und dem Institut für Theoretische Informatik (ITI). |
15.06.2018 Start des Projekts "Robotersysteme für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen (ROBDEKON)" gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Presseinformation |
Martin Klemm successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Intraoperative Planning and Execution of Arbitrary Orthopedic Interventions Using Handheld Robotics and Augmented Reality. The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Hoppe, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg. Antonio Zea successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Tracking Extended Objects With Active Models and Negative Information with distinction (summa cum laude). The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Associate Professor Ph.D. Umut Orguner, Middle East Technical University. |
Susanne Radtke joins the ISAS lab. |
Daniel Frisch joins the ISAS lab. |
Ajit Basarur joins the ISAS lab. |
Jana Mayer joins the ISAS lab. |
Kailai Li joins the ISAS lab. |
In the context of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2017) in Xi’an, China, the ISIF Conference Technical Contributions Award has been presented to Uwe D. Hanebeck for contributing 50 or more FUSION Conference Papers from 1998 to 2017. |
In the context of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2017) in Xi’an, China, the ISIF Conference Service Award has been presented to Uwe D. Hanebeck for Contributions to FUSION Conference Organizations in the period from 1998 to 2017. |
Christian Tesch joins the ISAS lab. |
Selim Özgen joins the ISAS lab. |
Dr. Jörg Fischer, who obtained his doctorate degree in 2014 at ISAS, has been appointed to a W2 professorship in automation and control at the department of electrical engineering and information technology at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. |
By the IEEE Board of Directors, at its November 2016 meeting, Uwe D. Hanebeck has been elevated to IEEE Fellow, effective 1 January 2017, with the following citation: for contributions to nonlinear estimation and control. This is the highest grade of membership in the IEEE and IEEE's highest honor. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's leading professional association for advancing technology for humanity with 400,000 plus members in 160 countries. |
Dr. Jörg Fischer, who obtained his doctorate degree in 2014 at ISAS, has been appointed to a W2 professorship in automation and control at the department of electrical engineering and information technology at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. |
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has accepted the proposal Recursive Estimation of Rigid Body Motions. |
Florian Rosenthal joins the ISAS lab. |
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) of the Faculty of Informatics the Praktikum Forschungsprojekt: "Anthropomatik praktisch erfahren" (Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck, Gerhard Kurz, Jannik Steinbring, Christof Chlebek, Florian Faion, Jesús Muñoz Morcillo, Antonio Zea, María Mercedes Morita (National University of La Plata), Florian Pfaff, Benjamin Noack receives the award for "best laboratory experiment" of the Faculty of Informatics in the academic year 2015/2016. Award (PDF) |
Florian Faion successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Tracking Extended Objects in Noisy Point Clouds with Application in Telepresence Systems with distinction (summa cum laude). The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Koch, Fraunhofer FKIE Bonn. |
Martin Pander joins the ISAS lab. |
Monday, 11/02/2015, Plenary talk "Hot Topics in Multisensor Data Fusion" by Uwe D. Hanebeck at Sensors 2015. PDF |
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) of the Faculty of Informatics the Praktikum Forschungsprojekt: "Anthropomatik praktisch erfahren" SS 14 (Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck, Gerhard Kurz, Christof Chlebek, Florian Faion, Jesús Muñoz Morcillo, Antonio Zea) receives the award for "best laboratory experiment" of the Faculty of Informatics in the summer term 2014. Award (PDF) |
The e-Installation project has won an award in the "Landmarks in the Land of ideas" competition. |
Igor Gilitschenski successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Deterministic Sampling for Nonlinear Dynamic State Estimation. The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Simon J. Julier, University College London (UCL), UK. |
Gerhard Kurz successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Directional Estimation for Robotic Beating Heart Surgery with distinction (summa cum laude). The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Prof. Dr. Anders Lindquist, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden / Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Pictures |
Marc Reinhardt successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Linear Estimation in Interconnected Sensor Systems with Information Constraints. The thesis has been co-examined by Prof. Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Princeton University, USA. |
Current work on telepresence was broadcast on television. |
Antonio Zea, Florian Faion, Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Paper Award of the "IEEE ISIF Workshop on Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF 2014), Bonn, Germany" for the paper Tracking Extended Objects using Extrusion Random Hypersurface Models. Certificate (PDF) |
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) the class "Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung (WS 2013/14)" received the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2013/14. Additionally, the class "Unscharfe Mengen (SS 2013)" and the tutorials of the classes "Lokalisierung mobiler Agenten (SS 2013)" and "Unscharfe Mengen (SS 2013)" received the award for "best elective class" and "best tutorial", respectively, of the summer term 2013. |
Jörg Fischer successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Optimal Sequence-Based Control of Networked Linear Systems. The thesis has been co-examined by Daniel Quevedo, University of Newcastle, AU. Pictures |
"RESEARCH TO BUSINESS" published an article about the ISAS-ZAK project "e-Installation". |
The "lookKIT magazine" published an article about the ISAS-ZAK project "e-Installation". Video |
Gerhard Kurz, Igor Gilitschenski, and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Paper Award of the "17th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2014), Salamanca, Spain" for the paper Deterministic Approximation of Circular Densities with Symmetric Dirac Mixtures Based on Two Circular Moments. Certificate (PDF)
Igor Gilitschenski, Gerhard Kurz, Simon J. Julier, and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Student Paper Award, First Runner-Up of the "17th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2014), Salamanca, Spain" for the paper A New Probability Distribution for Simultaneous Representation of Uncertain Position and Orientation. Certificate (PDF)
"clicKIT magazine" published an article about the ISAS-ZAK project "e-Installation". |
The "ZAK Newsletter" published an article about the ISAS-ZAK project "e-Installation". |
Florian Pfaff joins the ISAS lab.. |
The "KIT Neuland" published an article about the ISAS DIE QUADRATUR DER LÜFTE. |
Uwe D. Hanebeck gives a talk at Comsoft GmbH entitled "Unexpected Tracking Applications". |
Uwe D. Hanebeck gives a talk at a meeting of the Ambassador Club e.V. Karlsruhe entitled Schätzen in Netzen: Datenfusion in Sensor-Aktor-Netzwerken. |
Antonio Zea joins the ISAS lab. |
Gerhard Kurz and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Paper Award of the "16th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2013), Istanbul, Turkey" for the paper Recursive Fusion of Noisy Depth and Position Measurements for Surface Reconstruction. Certificate (PDF)
Gerhard Kurz, Igor Gilitschenski, Simon J. Julier, and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Student Paper Award, First Runner-Up of the "16th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2013), Istanbul, Turkey" for the paper Recursive Estimation of Orientation Based on the Bingham Distribution. Certificate (PDF)
The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) have both accepted the joint proposal Consistent Fusion in Networked Estimation Systems by ISAS and the research center New Technologies for the Information Society (NTIS) from the University of West Bohemia. In the following three years, researchers from both institutions will cooperatively investigate the consistent combination of uncertain information and develop estimators with guaranteed performance bounds. |
The ISAS sends 10 researchers to the FUSION 2013 conference in Istanbul (Turkey), is involved in the presentation of 13 papers with ISAS participation, and organizes 9 special sessions. Prof. Hanebeck operates as Technical Co-Chair of the conference. |
Current work on telepresence was broadcast on television. |
Sascha Faber joins the ISAS lab.
Jannik Steinbring joins the ISAS lab. |
Maxim Dolgov joins the ISAS lab. |
Christian Tesch joins the ISAS lab. |
Daniel Lyons successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Optimization under Uncertainty with Applications to Multi-Agent Coordination. The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Giuseppe Calafiore, Politecnico di Torino. Pictures |
Benjamin Noack successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation State Estimation for Distributed Systems with Stochastic and Set-membership Uncertainties with distinction (summa cum laude). The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Simon J. Julier, University College London (UCL), UK. Pictures |
Marcus Baum successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Simultaneous Tracking and Shape Estimation of Extended Objects with distinction (summa cum laude). The thesis has been co-advised and co-examined by Peter Willett, University of Connecticut, USA. Pictures |
Antonia Pérez successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation Haptic Guidance for Extended Range Telepresence! Pictures |
Achim Langendörfer joins the ISAS lab. |
At the 22nd Vision Traffic Review User Group Meeting 2012 organized by PTV Prof. Hanebeck gave a plenary talk about "Multimodal Extended Range Telepresence in Pedestrian Simulation". |
During the Semester Colloquium of the Faculty of Informatics the tutorials of the lectures"Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung" and "Informationsverarbeitung in Sensornetzwerken" receive the award for the "best tutorial" of the winter term 2011/12. |
At PED 2012, Prof. Hanebeck gave a keynote presentation: "Multimodal Extended Range Telepresence in Pedestrian Simulation" |
ISAS took part in the KIT Girls'Day 2012. |
The Badische Neueste Nachrichten published an article about the extended range telepresence. |
Evgeniya Bogatyrenko successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation Physics-Based Probabilistic Motion Compensation of Elastically Deformable Objects! |
Peter Krauthausen successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Learning Dynamic Systems for Intention Recognition in Human-Robot-Cooperation! Pictures |
Gerhard Kurz joins the ISAS lab. |
At the event Menschen und Maschinen im Karlsruher Rathaus a presentation about the KIT key area "anthropomatics and robotics" was held. On this occasion Prof. Hanebeck gave a talk about telepresence. |
The PKM-Team of KIT produces the english version of the film report about the research work at ISAS in the field of Extended Range Telepresence for the KIT-Focus Anthropomatics and Robotics (APR). |
Christof Chlebek and Igor Gilitschenski join the ISAS lab. |
The PKM-Team of KIT produces the film report (german version) about the research work at ISAS in the field of Extended Range Telepresence for the KIT-Focus Anthropomatics and Robotics (APR). |
Marc Reinhardt joins the ISAS lab. |
The Best Graduate Award of the Research Training Group 1126 for the year 2010 has been awarded to Evgeniya Ballmann. Certificate (PDF) |
Prof. Hanebeck gave a 3 ½ hour plenary talk at the 2011 International Workshop on Information Fusion (2011 年国际信息融合研讨会, 2011年8月4-5日), Xi’an, China (organized by Xiao-Rong Li) on Extended Range Telepresence Systems, Optimal Dirac Mixture Approximation for Accurate Gaussian Filters, and Extended Object and Group Tracking with Random Hypersurface Models. Slides |
An article in the "DAAD Letter" (2/2011) features virtual telepresence that has been developed at the ISAS in the context of rescue missions. |
During the Semester Colloquium of the Faculty of Informatics the tutorial of the lecture Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung (Peter Krauthausen) receives the award for the "best tutorial" of the winter term 2010/11. |
Marcus Baum and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Student Paper Award of the "14th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2011), Chicago, Illinois" for the paper Shape Tracking of Extended Objects and Group Targets with Star-Convex RHMs. Certificate (PDF) |
Read an article in the „lookKIT" journal about virtual telepresence. |
Oussama Alaya joins the ISAS lab. |
Read an article at Spiegel Online about telepresence. |
Jörg Fischer joins the ISAS lab. |
Alexander Riffel joins the ISAS lab. |
During the Semester Colloquium of the Faculty of Informatics the class Unscharfe Mengen (Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck) as well as the tutorial of the lecture Unscharfe Mengen (Vesa Klumpp) receive the award for "best elective class" and "best tutorial" of the summer term 2010, respectively. (View Photos) |
Read an article in the „c't" journal (Heise online) about virtual telepresence. |
he day of the ISAS christmas party. View Photos (PDF-document) |
Simon Friedberger joins the ISAS lab. |
Carsten Salveter joins the ISAS lab. |
Patrick Ruoff joins the ISAS lab. |
Daniel Lyons, Achim Hekler, Markus Kuderer and Uwe D. Hanebeck were nominated for the Best Paper Award of the "IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems 2010" for the publication "Robust Model Predictive Control Incorporating Least Favorable Measurements". |
Read an article (German) in the KIT technology magazine RESEARCH TO BUSINESS about the haptic interface at the ISAS. |
During the Semester Colloquium of the Faculty of Informatics the Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme" (WS 2009/2010) (Frederik Beutler, Evgeniya Bogatyrenko, Achim Hekler, Daniel Lyons und Antonia Pérez Arias) receives the award for "best laboratory experiment" of the Faculty of Informatics in the winter term 2009/2010. |
Hugh Durrant-Whyte (Australian Centre for Field Robotics, The University of Sidney) visits the ISAS and presents recent work. |
Birgit Meindl and Florian Faion join the ISAS lab. |
During the "Girls’Day" (German: Mädchen-Zukunftstag) a group of eleven girls got a 'sneak peak' at what a researcher's life is about. |
An article about the Inauguration of the Institute for Anthropomatics of the Faculty of Informatics (German) appeared in the „Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten" (BNN) |
Read the „Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten" (BNN) article about the ISAS student laboratory, Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme"p> |
Read the „Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten" (BNN) article about the prolongation of the Research Training Group RTG 1194 of the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of the Electrical Engineering. |
Article in the campus journal (lookKIT) about the ISAS student laboratory, Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme". |
Inauguration Ceremony of the Institute for Anthropomatics with Lab tour. View Photos (PDF-document). |
The day of the ISAS christmas party. View Photos (PDF-document) |
Marc Deisenroth successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Efficient Reinforcement Learning using Gaussian Processes. Pictures (PDF) |
Patrick Dunau joins the ISAS lab. |
Ferdinand Packi joins the ISAS lab. |
The entire ISAS lab moved to new building at the Durlacher Tor. New directions. |
Computer Science Day, 07/11/08
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) the class Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung received the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2008/09. Pictures (PDF) |
Frederik Beutler successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Probabilistic Model-Based Signal Processing for Instantaneous Localization (Trans.). Pictures (PDF) |
Marco Huber successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Probabilistic Framework for Sensor Management with distinction (summa cum laude). Pictures (PDF) |
Christian Hirsch was awarded a 3rd price of "Sparkassen price" 2008 for an outstanding work in the field environmental research - his Diplomarbeit "Tempo-Spatial Interpolation-Method for ground-water monitoring" (Trans.). (View Photo) |
Daniel Lyons joins the ISAS lab. |
Benjamin Noack joins the ISAS lab. |
During the Semester Colloquium of the Faculty of Informatics both classes Lokalisierung mobiler Agenten and Unscharfe Mengen (Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck) as well as the tutorial of the lecture Lokalisierung mobiler Agenten (Marco Huber) received the award for "best elective class" and "best tutorial" in the summer term 2008, respectively. Furthermore the Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme" (Marcus Baum, Vesa Klumpp, Peter Krauthausen, Antonia Pérez Arias and Kathrin Roberts) receives the award for "best laboratory experiment" of the Faculty of Informatics in the summer term 2008. (View Photo) |
Henning Eberhardt joins the ISAS lab. |
Kathrin Roberts successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation Model-Based Estimation of the Heart Motion for robot-assisted Interventions (Trans.). Diashow (Pdf-Document) |
Patrick Rößler successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Telepresent Motion and Haptic Interaction in Distant Extended Range Environments. View Photos (Pdf-document) |
Achim Hekler joins the ISAS lab. |
The day of the ISAS christmas party. View Photos (PDF-document) |
Gregor Schwarzenberg successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Analysis of the Mapping Properties of 3D-Ultrasound-Computer-Tomograph for the Calculation of the 3D-Transferfunction and Derivation of an Optimized Sensor Geometry (Trans.). |
Alberto Elfes (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) gives a talk on "In Situ Sensing in the Amazon" at the ISAS. |
Florian Weißel successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, Stochastic Model-Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems (Trans.), with distinction (summa cum laude). Pictures (PDF) |
10/15/08 - 10/17/08
Retreat of the ISAS lab at Schloss Dagstuhl. Picture of the lab members |
Felix Sawo, Thomas C. Henderson, Christopher Sikorski and Uwe D. Hanebeck received the Best Paper Award of the "IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems 2008" for their paper Sensor Node Localization Methods based on Local Observations of Distributed Natural Phenomena. Certificate (PDF) |
Computer Science Day, 07/11/08
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) both classes Informationsverarbeitung in Sensornetzwerken and Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung received the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2007/08. Pictures (PDF) |
Evgeniya Bogatyrenko joins the ISAS lab. |
06/30/08 - 7/03/08
Fusion 2008 took place from June 30 to July 03 at the Hyatt in Cologne and was a big success: 429 participants from over 40 countries, 274 talks, and three world-class keynote lectures. Uwe D. Hanebeck was Program Chair and two special sessions have been organized by ISAS: Advances in Nonlinear State Estimation, Information Fusion in Sensor Networks. |
Oliver Schrempf successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation Stochastic Treatment of Uncertainties in Cascaded Dynamic Systems. Pictures (PDF) |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG (a.m.) and Fraunhofer-Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung (IITB) (p.m.) in Karlsruhe. |
Marco Huber receives the award for "best tutorial" of the Faculty of Informatics in the summer term 2007 for the tutorial of the lecture "Lokalisierung mobiler Agenten". The Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme" (Frederik Beutler, Dietrich Brunn, Marco Huber,Vesa Klumpp, Kathrin Roberts, Felix Sawo, Oliver Schrempf,Florian Weißel) receives the award for "best laboratory experiment" of the Faculty of Informatics in the summer term 2007. |
01/15/08 - 04/11/08
Research stay of Marco Huber at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney with Hugh Durrant-Whyte. |
01/07/08 - 04/07/08
Research stay of Felix Sawo at the School of Computing, University of Utah with Tom Henderson. |
The day of the ISAS christmas party. View Photos (PDF-document) |
The collaborating graduate school from Tampere, Finland visits the Research Training Group RTG 1194 in Karlsruhe. View Photos (PDF-document) |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit the ZDF television station in Mainz. In the afternoon, the lab visited the Vitronic company in Wiesbaden, attending a talk on technological aspects of truck toll collection followed by a guided tour of Vitronic's production facilities. View Photos (PDF-document) |
Marcus Baum and Peter Krauthausen join the ISAS lab. |
Computer Science Day, 07/20/07
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) the class Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung of Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck receives the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2006/07 and Oliver Schrempf receives the award for "best teaching assistant of an elective class" for his assistance in this class. |
Antonia Pérez Arias joins the ISAS lab. |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit the Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit and John Deere in Mannheim. |
Guided tour of the ISAS lab for students attending the classes Informationsverarbeitung in Sensornetzwerken and Stochastische Informationsverarbeitung. |
Patrick Rößler receives the award for "best teaching assistant of an elective class" of the summer term 2006 for his assistance in the class "Unscharfe Mengen". |
The day of the ISAS christmas party. |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart and the engine production plant of the Powertrain Passenger Cars Division of the Daimler Chrysler AG. |
Computer Science Day, 07/21/06
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) the class Informationsverarbeitung in Sensornetzwerken of Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck receives the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2006/07 and Florian Weissel receives the award for "best teaching assistant of an elective class" for his assistance in this class. Furthermore the Praktikum: Forschungsprojekt "Intelligente Sensor-Aktor-Systeme" (Kathrin Roberts) receives the award for "best practical course" winter term 2006/07. |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit Auto & Technik MUSEUM SINSHEIM. |
Vesa Klumpp joins the ISAS lab. |
BOGY between 5/15 - 05/19/06
Two Leibniz High School pupils perform their mandatory internships (BOGY) at the ISAS Lab. Read how they experienced their internship (German report). |
Wolfgang Rihm celebrates 40th anniversary of employment at the Universität Karlsruhe. |
Marco Huber joins the ISAS lab. |
Three years of Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems (ISAS) Lab. |
The ISAS lab and mentored students visit the Frankfurter airport and the German Central Internet Exchange (DE-CIX). |
Picture of the ISAS lab members. |
October 2005
Karlsruhe is ranked 1st in computer science ("FOCUS" Ranking of German Universities). |
September 2005
Job openings for our new Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1194 "Self-organizing Sensor-Actuator-Networks" in the Zeit newspaper. |
Read a media feature on the Graduiertenkolleg 1194 in the „Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten" (BNN). |
Read the „Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten" (BNN) article about our work in the field of wide-range telepresence. |
Computer Science Day, 07/15/05
During the "Computer Science Day" (Tag der Informatik) the class Informationsverarbeitung in Sensornetzwerken of Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck receives the award for "best elective class" of the winter term 2006/07 and Frederik Beutler receives the award for "best teaching assistant of an elective class" for his assistance in this class. |
July 2005
Special issue on data fusion in automation technology of the journal at - Automatisierungstechnik (Oldenbourg-Verlag), guest editor: Uwe D. Hanebeck and Hartwig Steusloff (FhG/IITB). An article in the campus news UniKaTH (issue 3/2005) features the new Graduiertenkolleg "Self-organizing Sensor-Actuator-Networks" of the Department of Computer Sciene and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. |
Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe D. Hanebeck "Schätzen mit Netzen" (Estimation with Networks). |
Felix Sawo joins the ISAS lab. |
May 2005
The Karlsruhe culture magazine Klappe Auf contains an article about our telepresence system. |
The ISAS lab and the mentored students (winter term 2003/04 and 2004/05) visit the Europapark (amusement park) near Rust. Mr. Gronau gave us a tour of the backstage area. |
February 2005
An article in the campus news UniKaTH presents the research on wide-range telepresence at the ISAS lab. |
10/08 - 11/08/04
We host guest student Noriaki Takashima from Kanazawa University (Japan). |
11/04/04 |
The current issue of the campus news UniKaTH contains an article featuring our cooperation with the Prüftechnik company from Munich on machine calibration. |
Funding for the Graduiertenkolleg "Development of New Computer Based Methods for the Future Working Space in Soft-Tissue Surgery" was granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Spokes-person for the Kolleg are Prof. Büchler (Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg). Vice-spokes-person is Prof. Wörn. The ISAS lab will be involved in the project "Motion-Synchronisation of Instruments with the Correponding Interventional Area of the Beating Heart" in the project "Telemanipulation". |
Prof. Hanebeck becomes "Studiendekan" for computer science for the term starting 01.10.2004 and ending 30.9.2008. Florian Weissel joins the ISAS lab. |
Visit of Prof. Dr. Masayuki Fujita from the Kanazawa University (Japan) and Prof. Dr. Ryoichi Suzuki from the Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan). |
The project "Self-Organising Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks for Industrial and Ubiquitous Applications (SELINA)" will be funded as part of the research focus program of the state of Baden-Württemberg by the Department of Science, Research and Art. Funding starts 01.09.2004 and ends 31.08.2006. Applicant is Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Brinkschulte. Other involved scientists are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Becker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe D. Hanebeck, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Müller-Glaser, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Wörn, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martina Zitterbart. |
The Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems (ISAS) lab joins the collaborative research project "Humanoid Robots" (SFB 588, Spokesman: Prof. Dillmann) of the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft". Prof. Hanebeck will be joint head with Prof. Wörn of the project "K2 human-robot-ooperation" and with Prof. Steusloff of the project "K3 detection and treatment of exceptional situations". Prolonged funding has been granted until 08/31/2008. |
Frank Timmer joins the ISAS lab. |
The project "Development of a New Measurement Principle on the Basis of a Kinematic Alignment Model for the Optimal Alignment of Multi-Axis Tool Machinery" in cooperation the Prüftechnik company from Munich will be funded by the Working group of industrial research alliance for three years as part of the "Competence for Innovation of Midsized Companies" program. Contact at ISAS is Dietrich Brunn. |
Oliver Schrempf joins the ISAS lab. |
Hendrik Bock joins the ISAS lab. Prof. Hanebeck becomes spokesman of the leading collegiate of the "Institut für Rechnerentwurf und Fehlertoleranz" (Computer Engineering and Fault Tolerance). |
BOGY, 03/29 - 04/02/04
Two pupils of the Langensteinbach high school perform their mandatory internships (BOGY) at the ISAS Lab. Read how they experienced their intership (German report) |
One year of Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems (ISAS) lab. |
Dietrich Brunn joins the ISAS lab. |
Start of a cooperation with the Prüftechnik company from Munich for the "Development of a New Measurement Principle on the Basis of a Kinematic Alignment Model for the Optimal Alignment of Multi-Axis Tool Machinery". Contact at ISAS is Dietrich Brunn. |
Kathrin Roberts joins the ISAS lab. |
Frederik Beutler, Rainer Misch and Patrick Rößler tap beer at the Computer Science Day party. |
Olga Feiermann and Frederik Beutler join the ISAS lab. |
Prof. Hanebeck succesfully concludes his habilitation process at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the TU Munich with his academic talk. |
Selim Özgen joins the ISAS lab. |
Prof. Hanebeck celebrates his start at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). |
Dr. Hanebeck is officially appointed Ordinarius at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). |
Patrick Rößler joins the ISAS lab. |